If you are in search of Liberty Wireless APN settings 2024 then you are at the right place. Here we will provide you with the internet settings of Liberty Wireless that will help you to make the internet fast.
Also, we will provide you with 5G APN settings of Liberty Wireless to make the net even faster.
So, let’s check out what are the Liberty Wireless data settings for Android and iOS devices.
What Are The Liberty Wireless APN Settings 2024?
The major Liberty Wireless APN settings are APN:PRODATA, MCC:310, MNC:410. By configuring these internet settings of Liberty Wireless on your phone, you will be able to make your internet faster than before.
These are the best internet settings that are currently for Liberty Wireless. So, just apply them to fix the data not working issue and make net very fast.
Below, we have provided the complete set of configurations of Liberty Wireless for Android and iOS phones that will let you make the net faster.
Liberty Wireless APN Settings For Android 2024
If you are using an Android phone then the Liberty Wireless internet settings that you should apply on your phone are as follows:
- Name: Liberty Wireless
- Proxy: Not set
- Port: Not set
- Username: Not set
- Password: Not set
- Server: Not set
- MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
- MMS Proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
- MMS Port: 80
- MCC: 310
- MNC: 410
- Authentication type: Not set
- APN type: default,supl,mms
So, these are the Liberty Wireless Android APN settings that you should apply on your phone. Below we have provided the steps that you should go through to configure the Liberty Wireless APN.
Steps To Apply Liberty Wireless Internet Settings On Android Phone
Here are the simple steps that you should go through to apply the APN settings of Liberty Wireless on your Android phone:
- Open your Android phone’s “Settings App”.
- Tap on the “SIM Cards” option there.
- Select Liberty Wireless APN option there.
- Now, apply the internet settings of Liberty Wireless.
- Save these settings & restart your phone.
These are the simple steps that you should go through to apply the Liberty Wirless data setting on your Android phone.
Liberty Wireless APN Settings For iPhone 2024
If you are using an iPhone or any iOS smartphone then the APN settings of Liberty Wireless that you should configure are as follows:
- Username: Not set
- Password: Not set
- MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
- MMS Proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
- MMS Max Message Size: 1048576
- MMS UA Prof URL: Not set
In the next section, we have also provided the steps that you should go through to apply APN for Liberty Wireless on iPhone.
Methods To Configure Liberty Wireless Internet Settings On iPhone
It is quite easy to configure the APN Liberty Wireless on iPhone. For this, you just need to go through the following steps:
- Go to “Settings App” on your iPhone.
- Tap on “Cellular Data Network” option.
- There enter the provided Liberty Wireless APN settings.
- Leave all other fields blank.
- At last, save these settings & restart your phone.
These are the simple steps that you should go through to apply Liberty Wireless internet settings on your iPhone and make net fast.
Is There Any Liberty Wireless 5G APN In 2024?
Yes, Liberty Wireless offers 5G APN settings for its users in 2024. By configuring these settings on your Android and iOS phone, you will be able to make your net very fast.
Here are the best Liberty Wireless 5G internet settings for Android and iOS phone:
- Name: Liberty Wireless 5G
- Proxy: Not set
- Port: Not set
- Username: Not set
- Password: Not set
- Server: Not set
- MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
- MMS Proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
- MMS Port: 80
- MCC: 310
- MNC: 410
- Authentication type: Not set
- APN type: default,supl,mms
- APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- APN roaming protocol: IPv4/IPv6
- Enable/disable APN: Enabled
So, just configure these 5G internet settings of Liberty Wireless on your phone to make your net very fast on Android and iOS phones. To configure these settings, you just need to navigate to Settings App > SIM Card & Network > Liberty Wireless SIM > APN. Apply the provided APN for Liberty Wireless to make your net fast on your Windows and iPhone.
So, in case if you want to make your net faster than before then you should definitely configure these settings on your phone.
Is It Safe To Configure Liberty Wireless Internet Settings?
It is completely safe to configure the APN settings of Liberty Wireless that we have provided above. Configuring them will surely help you to make the internet fast.
Does It Cost Money To Apply Liberty Wireless APN Settings?
No, the APN settings of Liberty Wireless provided by us are completely free to use. You don’t have to pay a single penny to configure these settings on your phone.
Can I Get Liberty Wireless APN 2024 Through SMS?
Yes, you can get your unique Liberty Wireless internet settings through SMS. For this, you just need to contact the support team of Liberty Wireless. There, ask them about the APN settings of Liberty Wireless. They will ask for your details for verification purposes. Once verified, you will receive your unique Liberty Wireless APN through SMS.
Why My Liberty Wireless Internet Don’t Work?
There can be various reasons why you might face the Liberty Wireless net not working issue. The major ones out of them are as follows:
- You are in a remote location where there is no network for Liberty Wireless.
- On your device, you have configured the wrong APN for Liberty Wireless.
- The Liberty Wireless SIM you are using doesn’t have an active plan.
These are the major reasons why you might face the Liberty Wireless net not working issue. To fix this issue in most of cases, you might need to use the best internet configuration for Liberty Wireless.
What Is The Best APN For Liberty Wireless?
The best APN for Liberty Wireless is PRODATA. If you are either facing a net not working issue or want to make the internet fast, you can configure the provided Liberty Wireless APN to make the net faster than before.
In most of cases, this best APN for Liberty Wireless will surely help you to make your internet connection fast.
If you are looking to shift to the new carrier, then it is required to set up the new APN setting. We have mentioned some carrier APN settings that help you to access the internet without any trouble.
- Boom Mobile APN Settings 2024 For Android
- Liberty Wireless APN Settings 2024
- Boost Your Fido Internet Speed 3G/4G/5G
- InterNode APN Settings 2024 For Fast Internet
- Jio APN Settings